It's been a mad, mad, mad, mad week...
Hello and welcome to our first Blog post. Woop and indeed Woop!
Here we are at the end of our first week since we launched. We've just broke the '200 Likes' mark on our Facebook page and our website is finally up and running...which you'll realise if you're reading this. It's even starting to show up in Google with the phrase 'Like Grass' in the site idea why, but it's exciting all the same....
What is this Blog about?
Well, photography is a good place to start I suppose. We've launched a photography studio after all, but we're also going to add any thoughts, feelings and random awesomeness (I believe this is a good phrase to use at the moment) when the inspiration strikes...Or just post extra photos and outtakes that maybe don't make the cut, but are still interesting/cute/funny in some way that may be worth sharing. So stay tuned. Please. Really, really, really. Please. Otherwise it's a bit weird for us...writing stuff to nobody in general. Of course there will still be a fair amount on our Facebook page, and shortly on our Instagram and Twitter, but the best stuff will be here. Hopefully.
Anyway. We had our inaugural newborn shoot this week with the gorgeous Alannah. She was a delight to capture, even though she was determined to keep awake as much as possible, but we still managed to get some wonderful shots of her which you can see dotted around this site and on FB. As well as this, we had an informal outdoor family shoot with Karen, Lee, Liam and Joe the Cocker Spaniel at Aden Country Park in Mintlaw. That was a huge amount of fun and even though we all got drenched at the end by the sudden downpour, we got some great pictures of fun and tender moments. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon...but as you can see, working as a husband and wife team does have the odd disadvantage...such as wandering into each other's shots or obscuring the other's view from time to time...

Creepy Stalker Alert
So there you have it. I'm not going to waffle on endlessly with this, our first post. With you as our audience...well...we barely know each other yet and it would probably scare you off or at least make you all very sleepy to keep wittering on. Plus with a 7 month old baby currently ruling the roost with his sparring partner Posie (Our Border Terrier)...we really should be doing something more sleeping. Oh and sorry for all the ' ... ' It's how I roll...or nervously tap when I'm thinking. ... Katie's much better at this stuff.

We're really quite friendly, see?
Thanks for taking the time to read and we'll see you next time.
(I just got corrected on several things for this Blog by Katie...So much for free speech!)